Colour Isn’t A Big, Scary Monster
I love colour. I love matching up colours and having fun with it in my home (and other people’s homes). Maybe it’s my personality or maybe it’s because I understand colour and work with it every day in my line of work. I have found though, that some people are truly afraid of colour. Like I mean AFRAID! They stress out even talking about it. I have friends and clients that have stunning homes but they complain it’s just too boring and blah. Neutral colour schemes are beautiful, calming and clean but sometimes we just need to add a little flavour. This doesn’t mean you have to paint the whole room bright orange. Some people ask me “what colour would you add?” When I say “peacock blue and chocolate brown!” or “fuchsia and apple green!” they gasp in horror and say that’s too much.
So, how do you add just a hint of colour? How do you make it visually pleasing and not overwhelming?
Here are a few colour suggestions, starting from fairly safe and ramping up from there.
A DASH OF BLACK – If your home is mostly neutrals and you really can’t commit to a colour, try adding a bit of black. Neutrals such as tans, taupes, browns, creams and whites pair really well with black to create a smart and sophisticated look. Add a pillow, rug, and throw with these colours and stand back to see the difference.
PRETTY PASTELS – Soft pastels also match up well with neutrals. Just watch one episode of Sarah Richardson and you will see how effective these tones can be. Soft blues, greens, purples, and pinks can really add a whole other look to your space.
DARE TO BE BOLD – Rich, dark colours can make a huge impact. From emerald greens to peacock blues to merlot reds, adding a little or a lot of bold colour will create a warm space with interest.
MAKE A SPLASH – Bright colours are so much fun. Yellows, oranges, lime greens are amongst my favourites. Citrus colours will create a fresh and punchy space.
Whatever colour combo you choose, here are a few tips to get started.
TRIANGLE EFFECT – Clumping all the colour you add together in one area won’t work. By using the colour to create a triangle you will only need to add a little but it will look like a lot. For example, 1 pillow on far left of sofa, 1 colourful lamp shade on far right of sofa, 1 piece of art across from sofa.
LAYERS – Just like the triangle effect, colour won’t work if you try to add it all on the same level. Spacing it out is far more effective. Area rug on floor, cushions on sofa, art on wall would be an example of adding colour to three different levels.
PLAY AROUND – I usually like to start by finding a fabric I love first. This will be what you draw everything else from. For this initial fabric you will want something that has PATTERN and 2-3 COLOURS in it that you can pull from. C&M Textiles always provides our clients with expert advice as well as large samples allowing you to play around back at home.
GO EASY – If you are having a hard time committing to colour, go easy and start slow. It may not be a good idea to invest in multicoloured drapes if you are a nervous nelly! Try starting with something small to see if you like it such as toss cushion, vase or piece of art. Colour schemes may take time to build but sometimes those can be the most interesting!
C&M Textiles can help you remove all the guess work when it comes to adding colour. Our expert design staff can help you choose that one fabulous fabric that will be your starting point. We can help you build from there, slow or fast, whatever your pace may be. We cut large samples or can loan out the entire sample. Alternatively, we offer COMPLIMENTARY IN HOME CONSULTATIONS to really help you get the look you want!
Written by: Alicia Hewitt