Where to Get the Best Home Decor Tips by CM Textiles

Where to Get the Best Home Decor Tips

So you’ve moved into a new home or are urgently wanting to redecorate your current one. Hankering for a new and innovative look or desperately seeking to tweak your current one, you scour the internet looking for inspiration from the muses of home decor.

However, you could save yourself some time, effort and frustration by contacting experts with over seventy years of experience in the field, like the team at C&M Textiles. More than happy to steer you in the right direction with home decor tips that will not only beautify your living space but save you money in the process, the C&M team is available for free consultations and advice whenever it’s convenient for you!

Pro Tip #1 – It’s All Part of the Plan

Before you start removing items from your home or buying fabrics and materials you are unsure of, it’s best to follow Home Decor Tip #1 and formulate a plan for your new decor design. If you are adamantly aware of the measurements, colours, patterns, and fabrics you wish to use, so much the better, but even if you don’t, it’s good to have a general idea or concept in mind. This way, when you contact professionals for advice or consultation, the more details you can give them, the better they’ll be able to advise you. This will not only save you time and money, but they’ll be better positioned to inform you about specialized fabrics, features, and systems, like motorized blinds or custom window treatments.

Pro Tip # 2 – Avoid the Matching Game

Having curtains that match the exact color or pattern of your couch may correspond to many people’s decor ideas, but overmatching can actually take away from the aesthetic appeal of your home. Such pervasive uniformity draws attention away from individual pieces or features of design, and can come across as too busy or distracting. Moderation in matching, as well as incorporating contrasting colors, can provide a subtle and sophisticated beauty to your home while simultaneously accenting individual furniture items and features like custom window treatments.

And speaking of accents, Home Decor Tip #2 also advises having small decorative objects or selecting several pieces of accent furniture to neatly display around your home. Not only do they provide warmth and personality to the decor, they can draw attention to larger furniture pieces and room features.

Pro Tip #3 – Know Your Room Size

Some people can be a tad overzealous when furniture shopping, underestimating the size of their rooms and overestimating the furniture’s ability to fit into it. Despite falling in love with the look or feel of a couch, bed, or chair, Home Decor Tip #3 advocates measuring both your room sizes and the size of your furniture pieces before making any major purchase- no matter how pretty they may be!

With so many variables to consider, it’s best to speak to the professionals before you begin your home decor project. Call C&M Textiles today to book a free consultation!